SEO Tips

SEO, or search engine optimization, is the practice of increasing your website’s ability to produce high rankings on search engines. Have questions about SEO or need some help? Check out our SEO tips here, or contact us if we can help you individually.

What is an XML sitemap?

What is an XML sitemap?

An XML sitemap functions as a roadmap for search engines to discover the content on your site. In this article, we’ll take a look at what XML sitemaps are, how they work, how you can add one to your site, and why you’ll be glad you did.

3 time-saving SEO strategies

3 time-saving SEO strategies

In a busy season, some people ignore their website completely. Instead, here are some ideas to save you time managing your website’s SEO.

How does SEO work?

How does SEO work?

Is SEO something you can simply “have” or “turn on?” How does SEO actually work? We’ll provide some answers in this basic SEO overview.

SEO analysis: What we learned from our posts that rank

SEO analysis: What we learned from our posts that rank

Search engines make ranking decisions based on the content itself with all else being equal. So instead of trying to outline Google’s formula, let’s take a different approach and reverse-engineer it. At MPWR Design, we rank #1 for quite a few search terms, so here’s a breakdown of what we’ve learned from four of our posts that rank well.

How does location affect search results?

How does location affect search results?

Even though search engine rank is important and SEO is a common buzzword in the website world, it isn’t entirely possible to rank in search results for a particular topic worldwide because of location. Here’s how location affects search results and how to compensate for it with your content.

Why you should use post excerpts

Why you should use post excerpts

WordPress post excerpts provide several benefits to your content. Learn how they can help your SEO, social media sharing, and more.